Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy Fall

Well I finally decided to create a blog so that I could try to keep everyone updated with our family and to keep myself organized so I am able to remember what's going on in our family :) This fall has been a very busy and exciting time for us! After starting both boys in preschool, they started tennis lessons and Bennett started t-ball.

Bennett and Brix really enjoyed Halloween this year! They took charge during trick-or-treating, going right up to the houses and they weren't scared of any of the scary decorations. They embraced their super-hero identities, Brix as Mr. Incredible and Bennett as Wolverine.

Bennett turns 5 tomorrow (Nov. 10th) and we had a football party for his birthday this past weekend. He is obsessed with football and we have sufficiently brainwashed both the boys into huge Gator fans, although Grandma somtimes tries to get them to cheer for FSU!! Anyway, Sheila got Bennett a Gator uniform and he has been carrying the helmet with him everywhere, even to bed. :)

I know I say this all the time, but I just can't believe how fast time flies by. I'm excited to use this blog to document a lot of special moments and to take the time to sit back and enjoy these moments! Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Mrs. Realife said...

I LOVE it! I've been blogging since April about the realities of newlywed life :) (fun stuff) --

I'm so glad to keep up with your family this way!!!